Sunday, 18 July 2010

Is my being depressed a good thing?

Yes I know, this sounds like a daft question.
but seriously.

I have spent most of my life with one emotion - Interference. not joy, not sadness, just plain boring middle ground.

Recently I have found myself straying from the norm, and this does scare me a bit.

Does my early see-sawing mean I am becoming more unstable or that the greater trans thing is starting to open me up a bit?

As I read other peoples blogs I am struck with one constant thing, as they have progressed they have started to cry more. God I want this... I know how daft this sounds but I have so much built up inside me that I am just not able to release. I have put some of this down to what I call social programming, it is not socially acceptable for a male to cry - even with joy. :-(

I am finding that as I try different mental setups (guy, Girl, dressed up Girl) I am finding it a little easier to break out of this programming but with 27 years of programming to break - it is taking some doing.

I am planning a sort of experiment to help me release some of the backed up tears, dress up, get the mind 'right' and watch a film with strong emotions that i wouldn't feel embarrassed crying at,
Apollo 13
all have extremes of high and low emotion.

As I said at the start, is my being depressed a good thing? Am I breaking up or or starting to venture out in to the wide world of sadness and joy. I hope so.

I have often said about a lot of things, 'You cant have good days unless you have bad days to compare them to'.

I shall cross my fingers.

Love to all


  1. Hi,

    Welcome to the trannisphere ;-)

    I'm not sure about depression being a good thing, but I think being able to release your feelings - rather than bottle them up - is a good thing. There will always be men who look down on a gent who can express himself, but really, does that matter? Who sang recently "I am not a robot"? :-) We're human and sometimes there are things that effect us. There can be joyous occasions and sad ones too. But I think it's better to be involved and connected than distant and removed. IMO ;-)

  2. Thank you,
    I do wonder though how quickly should those walls be lowered and how easy it will be to adjust.

    we shall see.
